Taken From An Old Collection of 1992 VHS Recordings
TV THEMES From 1992
Do you remember all these cool TV Programs, There was only 4 channels on the telly so the choice was small but the quality was loads better. Saturday mornings Live and Kicking and Saturday Nights with The Generation Game and Gladiators To Childrens BBC in the Broom cupboard with Andy Peters and The Real Ghostbusters Cartoon on CITV after School .It was the Best Time Ever To Watch TV !
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Retro Tv Themes ( www.gadgetshowprizes.co.uk ) is unofficial and for information only. It is in no way linked to any official companies. All Amazon Links are linked directly to an official Amazon associates affiliated website ( www.amazon.co.uk )Info from
, Wilkipedia, IMdb, and Video from YouTube . Program Year is for Reference ONLY and may not match the Broadcast Date, Themes are in No Particular Order