S32 E2 : Featured Gadgets

S32 E2: ( Episode 2) 02/10/20

Lists of Gadgets Featured on The Gadget Show

Jon Bentley compares three budget-friendly coffee machines against a model worth over £15,000, while Craig Charles arms his house with a techy smart lock. Ortis Deley gains behind-the-scenes access to a company that makes drones for the British military. After taking a couple of the devices for a spin, he finds out how this top-secret tech could soon be in drones available to the public.

s32 e2 featured

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S32 E2

The Best Gadgets Chosen as the all round winner.

Gadgets that can be Featured on The Jon Test , The G-Team , The News , How Hard Can it Be, Unboxing, Games of the Week , The Tech Years ,Wallop of the Week and The competition

Episode 2 (02/10/20) 

To start off episode 2 with another G-TEAM: assignment helping out a stay at home worker with 3 different forms of tech inc Time Flip 2 , KRISP app and the Winner  MobilePixels TRIO Max . Next THE JON TEST: where Jon Bentley compares three budget-friendly coffee machines against a model worth over £15,000 with Nescafé Dolce Gusto Genio S Plus by Krup , Beko CEG5311X Bean To Cup and the outright winner the De’Longhi ICM15210 . Then Craig hits it off with the popular FUND OR FAIL segment with The Bio Visor getting a FUND ,The Arebo Dryer auto dryer  ( a small part of Back to the Future 2 there ? ) also receiving a FUND . and Fish on Wheels .That unsurprisingly revived a FAIL. Craig Charles arms his house with a techy smart lock The Ultion Smart . Next up is THE TECH YEARS from 1997 with Tamagotchi , The introduction of DVD PLayers  over the VHS , The start of Channel 5 , and Spice World. Then Craig phones of one of the COMPETITION WINNERS followed by the new Competition to win over £30,000 worth of tech . Next up is Erica Jordon Webber with 25 years of PlayStation and a rundown of its history inc; Sony Playstation , PS2 Console , PlayStation 3 , PS4 , PSP , PS VITA , and the New PS5. Finally Ortis Deley visits Bedfordshire and gains behind-the-scenes access to a company that makes drones for the British military. After taking a couple of the devices for a spin,inc The Cobra Air Combat Drone , then a quick run through of THE COMPETITION again Good Luck 


Some Gadgets may differ slightly from the items featured on The Gadget Show (Channel 5)