Taken from an Old Collection of VHS TV Recordings 1992

TV Themes
1. Coronation Street
2. Eastenders
3. Finders Keepers
4. Last of the Summer Wine
5. The Really Wild Roadshow
6. Tomorrow’s World
7. Top of the Pops
8. Treasure Hunt
9. Baywatch
10. Big Break
11. Forever Green
12. Porridge
13. The Bill
14. Tony Robinson’s Stay Tooned
15. Us Girls
16. Jeeves and Wooster
17. So Haunt Me
18. Screaming
19. Mastermind
20. The Time the Place
21. Home and Away
22. Neighbours
23. Turnabout
24. Art Attack
25. Tonight with Jonathan Ross
26. Watchdog
27. Mulberry
28. Take Your Pick
29. BBC Breakfast News
30. Joshua Jones
31. Thomas the Tank Engine
32. Duck Tales
33. Mighty Mouse
34. Maid Marian and her Merry Men
35. BBC 6 o’clock News
36. Emmerdale
37. Just Good Friends
38. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
39. Newsround ( Review of 1996 )
40. Live and Kicking ( Xmas )
41. The Benny Hill Show
42. The BBC One O’clock News
43. Henry’s Cat
44. Fiddley Foodle Bird
45. Wogan
46. Points of View
47. Danger Mouse
48. Runaway Bay
49. Dizzy Heights Hotel
50. Spitting Image
51. The Junglies
52. Blockbusters
53. Ruby Wax Show ( The Full Wax )
54. TaleSpin
55. Truckers
56. Bodger and Badger
57. Spatz
58. Harry and the Hendersons
59. In Sickness and In Health
60. Surprise Surprise
61. Top Banana
62. Eggs N Baker
63. Thundercats
64. Motormouth ( Children’s ITV )
65. The Raccoons ( Going Live )
66. Grandstand
67. The Beverly Hillbillies
68. One Foot in the Grave
69. ITV Schools Program
70. The Family Ness
71. Gibberish
72. Bazaar
73. Tales from the Poop Deck
74. Chucklevision
75. Happy Family’s
76. Alsorts
77. Sesame Street End
78. The Movie Game
79. Every Second Counts
80. The Crystal Maze
81. Thunderbirds
82. Round the Twist
83. Parallel 9
84. Brookside
85. Only Joking
Retro Tv Themes ( www.gadgetshowprizes.co.uk ) is unofficial and for information only. It is in no way linked to any official companies. All Amazon Links are linked directly to an official Amazon associates affiliated website ( www.amazon.co.uk )Info from
, Wilkipedia, IMdb, and Video from YouTube . Program Year is for Reference ONLY and may not match the Broadcast Date, Themes are in No Particular Order